The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are home to a unique assemblage of frogs, with a considerable proportion of endemics (about 50%). We have been documenting their status and occurrence in and around the ANET base in different habitat types. This region is rich in frog diversity with seven of the eight known species occurring, from ubiquitous generalists like the common toad (Duttaphrynus melanostiictus) to narrow, range-restricted endemics like the Andamans ‘painted’ frog (Fejervarya andamanensis) representing three different families. Disturbances in the evergreen forest habitat and scarcity of fresh-water bodies render them more vulnerable to environmental fluctuations than any other group of vertebrates.
List of frog species found in the ANET base Common name Scientific nameCommon Asian toad Duttaphrynus melanostictus
Narrow-mouthed frog Microhyla chakrapanii
Andaman bullfrog Kaloula baleata ghoshi
Mangrove frog Fejervarya cf. cancrivora
Cricket frog Fejervarya cf. limnocharis
Andamans ‘painted’ frog Fejervarya andamanensis
Skittering frog Limnonectes hacsheana
Andaman bullfrog Kaloula baleata ghoshi

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